Saturday, June 26, 2010

Word of Mouth Is Where It's At

To paraphrase the late-great Joe Strummer, " I think we're going to have to forget the Internet and go back to word of mouth."

Joe originally said, "...forget radio and go back to word of mouth." His exact phrase is probably still true, but I think that in today's Internet based entertainment society, the best music you can discover is done so by recommendations by friends and not by - what is today the equivalent of radio in the 1970s and 80s - the Internet.

Talk to your friends. Find out what they are listening to. Go to an actual music store and talk to the people who work there. Find out what they think is hip. Chat up a buddy (or better yet someone you've never met) at a party. Find out what they are listening to. Check it out. Maybe you don't like it, but maybe you do.

But either way, that's gotta be better sourcing of music than MSN, iTunes or other online sites.

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